The Clunker brothers are interceptors who are extremely good at irritating the enemy team, dropping bombs and wreaking havoc.
Shock Away is an attack in the area that can hit any target nearby the Clunkers, as long as it is carefully launched at the right instant, since the electric gadget takes a fraction of a second to launch.
The Death Magnet is a big help to the Clunkers. Launched in front of the vehicle, it causes damage when connected to the target and can be carried for long distances toward the back of their truck, when it applies damage a second time at the end of the dragging action. It is used frequently to throw the opponents at the droppers (useful for taking the bomb away from the enemy) or in the lava (useful for taking away the bomb to destroy the enemy). It is also used to protect your transporter, surgically removing from battle someone who is causing too much trouble. Master Tow aim is crucial for helping the Clunkers reach their enormous destructive potential and causing the biggest possible headache, which is what the hicks do best.
This truck needs some speed! Electric Rush is the third weapon, which magnetizes the machine, gaining speed and pushing opponents away.
The special weapon is Singularity. This is a magnetic explosion in the field around him, causing area damage and drawing the opponents toward the center of the circle. In addition to being able to toss enemies into the lava or crushers, the Clunkers are able to gather together the enemies nearby them so that another pilot can take PASSIVE of this mash-up, like Rampage with his blade or Stingray with the beam.